
Getting Started

Here you can find all resources to get started with foxBMS in your battery system project.

What license does apply to foxBMS?

foxBMS is released with permissive licenses:

This applies to foxBMS 2 as well as to foxBMS 1.

Where can we buy the foxBMS development kit?​

To order foxBMS development kits, simply contact us by providing your contact data including your company name and address.

Where can we get the resources?

foxBMS 2 Resources

Since April 2021, the second generation of foxBMS (foxBMS 2) is available on GitHub. The repository includes:

  • software sources including a Visual Studio Code setup
  • hardware schematics and layouts (Altium Designer)
  • documentation sources

The renderd documentation is also available online.

foxBMS 1 Resources

Please note, that foxBMS is discontinued and all development effort goes into foxBMS 2.

The beta-test phase involved 15 international partners in 7 countries worldwide and finished at the end of the year 2016. Since 2017, the sources of foxBMS are available freely online on GitHub. The repository includes:

  • Hardware: all the schematics, layouts in Altium Designer file format and the bill of materials (BOM).
  • Software: all the source files in embedded C and Python. A preconfigured Eclipse project is also included.
  • Documentation: all the source files to render the documentation.

The rendered documentation is also available online. You can download the foxConda installer here.

Is this feature implemented in foxBMS?

Please check our online documentation to see if the feature of interest is implement. If you cannot find the feature, please contact us.