Introduction to foxBMS 2 @ CMU Battery Modeling Webinar

The foxBMS development team at the Fraunhofer IISB gave a general introduction to the current foxBMS 2 development status as part of the part of the Battery Modeling Webinar. The Battery Modeling Webinar was introduced by Professor Venkat Viswanathan from the Carnegie Mellon University.

The talk starts form the first generation of foxBMS and explains how the second generation of foxBMS evolved from that. The foxBMS development team shows new and important features of both, the hardware and the software, that make foxBMS 2 a sophisticated and next generation BMS solution. The safety considerations in foxBMS 2 have drastically been improved in the new version. The development team presents the software toolchain, that has drastically been improved and simplified to ease the development workflow. The general considerations that lead to the software architecture and how this architecture is implemented is explained. Embedding battery models in foxBMS 2 has been improved to bring new and exciting models faster into the application. Different examples show how foxBMS 2 is successfully used in applications and how new and fascination ideas are implemented.

The slides of the talk can be downloaded from the publications site.

If you have questions to foxBMS 2 or the talk, please contact us.

The Fraunhofer IISB foxBMS Team